Hey Winners Nation!
Before i make any post on this site, i want to tender my unreserved apologies to you.
It happened so fast and all of a sudden really.
I wasn’t planning for it but it happened. My website got deleted from the server and all the data went off like that.
Yes. I mean everything i built for over two years went off within the twinkling of an eye.
I had backups saved on the server. It went off with the entire site.
The other one i saved externally, on logging in to the platform to restore it, i discovered the backup had disappeared as well.
I made to cry. I hoped it will change if i sleep and wake up. I waited for a new email that will inform me how everything had been restored. I didn’t have any.
I called my web-host, ranting my heart out. After a few minutes, i realized ranting won’t change anything, then i quietly asked the guy the way forward.
It was humbling, painful and sad. One of the worst news to receive on a Monday morning.
This is the reason you’ve not seen posts on this site.
I am working on restoring everything that i can. I know this may take some days so i want you to bear with me.
I signed up for this. So even at this time, I’m not going to look back one bit. And with your encouragements, I’ll keep looking forward to better days.
Thanks for your usual understanding.
Keep Blogging. Keep spreading the word. Keep Winning.
Victor Winners.
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