With more than 150 billion in value, the creator economy is not just one of the fastest growing sectors; it is attracting millions of aspirants who want nothing but to find ways to become a content creator so they can have a piece of this 25 year old industry.
Like, some of us, a number of new content creators from yesterday have evolved to become well recognized entrepreneurs, making a living off the creator economy just like many more creators have fallen off the radar because they couldn’t find their way through the stiff competition.
As an aspiring content creator competing against over 200 million other creators, if you want to stand out and make a name for yourself in this industry you have to learn the real truth about content creation and the steps you can take to become a content creator with or without experience.
In this guide, I’ll be sharing with you the strategies that worked for me and many other creators and how you can use these strategies to navigate your way to become a creator that commands attention.
Find your Why
Table of Contents
The first step to become a content creator is to understand why you want to become a content creator in the first place.
You see, people engage in the creator economy for different reasons. For example there are those that are aspiring to become a creator because they want to make money.
There are those who are joining the creator economy to make a name for their brand. And of course there are those other people joining it just for the fun of it.
Although the strategies do get very similar in some instances your purpose of becoming a content creator is one of the things that will define the strategy you’re going to use as a content creator.
If you’re trying to become a creator so that you can get popular for example, there are certain strategies that will get you to achieve that goal much faster than if you’re trying to make money from it.
So, your first step is to find out, why exactly do I want to become a content creator? The moment this has been sorted out, you can then move onto the next step on this guide.
Identify your Audience
Content creation is not something you wake up and do, based on your own whims and caprices. It is a very intentional process aimed at creating specific results.
So, to successfully become a content creator from scratch, you have to identify the kind of people that will help you to achieve the goal you have in mind as a content creator.
If your goal is to make money for example, your question should be, who are the people that can actually get me to make money from my content either directly or indirectly?
This segment is very important but most aspiring creators have zero clues about it. Like the vast majority, I didn’t also have a clue about who I needed to attract when I started out. I didn’t even know I needed to create for any specific audience in the first place.
And this caused me a lot of delay in achieving my goals.
Understanding your audience will give you ideas on how to create content that resonates with them. And when you’re able to do this, more of them will flock to your content.
And then the more thy flock to your content, the better your chances of achieving your goals as set out in step one above.
Before you start writing, you need to know who you’re writing for. Understanding your audience will help you create content that resonates with them.
So right now, head over to identify the people that will most likely be interested in your content based on your goals above. Find out: who are they? What are their needs and interests? What are their pain points?
Use tools like Google Analytics, Social Media Insights etc. to find out information about your audience like the kind of content they prefer etc.
This is the data you’ll need to use while creating your content. This is the data that’ll shape your content.
Choose a Niche & Topic
Choosing a niche can be dicey. I failed at my first attempt at choosing one when I first started.
As a creator you have to keep in mind that Content creation is never about creating content that matters to you. It is what matters to your audience that is the most important thing.
And the next most important aspect of content creation is that your content must align with your goals. So the goals can get achieved.
That said, it’s now time to choose a topic and a niche that will actually get you to achieve your goals.
Now, the best way to choose a niche or topical area is to choose a niche that aligns with your interest, goals and experiences etc.
What this does for you is that it can make content creation easier and more effective.
For example if you create content about a subject matter you’re passionate about, it gets easier to create more content often compared to creating content from a niche you don’t care about.
Also, if you create content about a subject matter you have a wealth of experience in, it becomes easier for you to come off as a reputable creator or someone that is worth listening to by your audience.
Now the tricky part is that outside your niche being aligned with your interests, experiences and goals, it must also align with the interests of the largest number of your target audience.
So lets’s say you are a very versatile chef and you want to create content around cooking and your goal is to make money as a content creator.
Supposing you’re more interested in creating content around how to prepare African continental but you also have experience in other dishes like European and Asian continental dishes etc.
Let’s say you found out during your research that only a few people are interested in learning about how to prepare European and African continental Dishes, compared to Asian cuisines, your best bet is to opt for creating content about how to make Asian dishes instead. As this is what has the largest number of your target audience.
PS: This preference can change if your goal is to not just to become a content creator but evolve to become a thought leader in your niche, get very popular in a specific region or achieve other aims.
After finding out your niche, the next thing is to find the key creators in that niche and find out what they are doing.
Then go ahead and find the major keywords that will get you a better traffic from that niche.
Plan your Content
Since you already know your audience, its time to plan your content based on the insights you’ve been equipped with from the previous steps above.
That said, you want to brain storm to find out content ideas that aligns with your goals, that of your audience and also matches your preferred niche and interest gradually.
Create a Content Plan: Find out how many times you want to create content in a day, depending on your preferred platform? For social media platform you can focus on creating more than one content a day. For longer form content platforms like blogs, YouTube etc., starting with one content a day is not a bad idea.
Choose a Posting Schedule: Choose a posting schedule that will work for you based on your personal schedules. But also keep in mind that in some niches, the number of time you post is very important in getting you the necessary visibility. And there are also some niches and platforms where the quality of your post is preferred over the quantity. Find what works for you.
Choose a Platform
After you become a content creator, where do you plan to create and publish your content? This section is not something you’ll find out from guess work. Your choice will have to be based on your audience preferences.
There are a number of platforms you can create and publish your content. You don’t have to use all of them but you can mix them up, depending on your goals and capacity. I’ll discuss some of them below:
Blogs: This will be a good option if you plan to become a content creator that creates long form text based content. While this might not be a great option for all beginners, eventually as you keep growing as a creator, you’ll still have to create and post on a blog, to boost your online presence.
Social Media: This is usually a great option for most beginners without any platform. But the thing is, even if your audience are mostly on social media platforms, you don’t have to be on all social media platforms out there. Find the ones with the most number of your target audience and stick to these ones.
YouTube: This is a great option for video focused content. If your goal is to create video or audiovisual content, you can focus on using this particular platform for that option.

Website: After all is said and done, you need a website to cement your presence as a content creator. Of course there are some kind of content creators that need to start out with a website but even if you’re not one of those, you’ll still need a website in the long run. So, you can keep this as part of your long term goal.
There are many other content platforms you can use. But always keep in mind that your preferred platforms must reflect your goals and audience availability, not your personal preferences.
Also, do well to integrate certain platforms like social media, websites, blogs etc. regardless of your platform preferences, so that you can boost your results.
Create & Share
To become a content creator, you have to create and share your content with your audience.
Now that you’ve found out all the details you need for your content creation in the other steps above, it’s time to go ahead and create content that will deliver your goals, based on these.
While trying to create content, one of the things you want to pay attention to is the interest of your audience. This is very crucial.
Pay attention to not just create content but create content that matters to your audience. Beyond that, create exceptional value with your content.
If you’re in an informative or educational niche, go way and beyond what your competitors are doing. Where you’re in the entertainment niche, find ways to make your content better than the others out there.
This is very important as it’ll help you to stand out much more easily.
Also, add the right kind of visuals to create better engagement. Edit as necessary and make all important edits before publishing.
Remember that creating content might be a bit difficult in the early days but be willing to learn, practice and improve because it is also a journey.
And of course be open to embrace your learning journey by allowing yourself to make mistakes, grow and become better. But in spite of whatever it is, do not forget the importance of giving out your best at where you are.
Optimize & Promote
Content creation is more than creating and sharing posts. This is the mistake made by most beginners. As much as it is about creating, it is also about getting visibility.
And to get maximum visibility, you have to optimize your content for visibility.
Optimize: Whether you’re creating on a social media, YouTube, or website, use the relevant optimization strategies available for your platform to get your content to reach a wider audience.
Use SEO optimization for websites, hash tags for social media platforms and other optimization strategies that is relevant to your kind of content and audience platform.
Promote: Outside optimization, promote and share your content across other platforms using other promotional strategies like cross posting, content Curation, reposting and sharing on relevant sub groups etc.
Engage with your audience: Reply to their comments, opinion etc. this will help in building a community and fan base that care about your work.
Remember that content promotion is nearly as important as content creation and sharing. It is the one big strategy that can get you in front of your audience much easier, after you become a content creator.
Monitor, Evaluate & Improve
To become a content creator from scratch, you want to learn from others but above all, you also want to learn from your own mistakes and create better solutions that will work for you.
So, don’t just create and post content, monitor and evaluate your outcomes. Learn from the data generated from your existing content and find ways to use that data to improve.
With your data, find ways to create a better strategy, better content and more visibility options.
More importantly, use the insights generated from your current promotional effort to create content that is better appreciated by your audience and better positioned to deliver on your expected outcomes more easily.
And finally, do not forget evaluate your performance from time to time.
Final Words
As you can see, the content creation economy is not just alluring to many other aspiring creators like you but it’s actually possible to become a content creator with or without experience, regardless of your location.
And using these proven strategies listed here, you can get started on your content creation journey without breaking a sweat.
That said, to become even more poised at getting better results as a content creator, sign up for our content creation school here, learn, get mentorship and become a certified content creator here.
It’s your turn now. What are your challenges when it comes to becoming a content creator? Share them here in the comments section.
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