Looking for businesses you can start after Covid 19?
Well, a lot of entrepreneurs like you are doing just the same thing.
Because everyone knows the pandemic has brought with it, a number of business opportunities. And a handful of these are actually lucrative businesses you can start after Covid 19.
But what exactly are these post covid-19 business opportunities you ask?
Frankly, some of these opportunities are right before your eyes. A lot of them are not. And yes, I am going to show you a number of these business opportunities and how you can use them to power your own new reality.
But, before we get there, I want to list out the top impact of Covid19 on businesses and how it’s shaping consumers and buying patterns.
Impact of Covid-19 on Businesses
Covid 19 AKA Coronavirus has brought about a lot of changes around the world, since 2019. And one of the most significant changes is in the area of how businesses are carried out.
Specifically, Covid-19 and its resulting lockdown has increased consumer’s interests in online and virtual businesses around the world.
In addition, It has also improved the adoption of ecommerce and online shopping, while also pushing a lot of businesses and companies to create a more flexible working arrangement where staff and employees can now work from home effectively.
Without the pandemic, some of these changes would not have happened as fast as it did.
As a matter of fact, these changes have ushered in a lot of post Covid19 business opportunities which you can look into building your next business.
Top 5 Post Covid 19 Business Opportunities
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As you would already know, the spread of Covid-19 has caused a lot of hardship and loss to businesses around the world.
In spite of this, some businesses have thrived. Some have also made marginal gains, either because of their peculiarities or the nature of products and services they deal with.
And even more so, a lot of new business opportunities have been created and the following are some of these opportunities…
Ecommerce Business
Naturally, ecommerce seems to be one of the biggest winners of the Covid-19 induced lockdown and as such, one of the biggest businesses you can start after Covid 19.
Just like in 2003, where the SARS outbreak in China marked a turning point in the growth history of e-commerce giants like Alibaba, in 2021 and beyond, the Covid 19 Pandemic has pushed a lot of businesses online.
This has also brought about a surge in ecommerce growth internationally
As the compulsory lock down forced people to stay at home, online shopping have become the preferred mode of shopping for so many.
Unlike the situation prior to the pandemic where buyers were reluctant to engage in online shopping due to different reasons, the pandemic has brought about a change in approach to online shopping.
And these changes can be felt in both developed and developing countries.
For instance in Africa, according to a recent report, more than 80 percent of consumers in Nigeria have started shopping online since the beginning of the pandemic.
While Kenya and Ghana have both recorded an impressive 79 percent improvement in online shopping.
Now, such changing trends only points out to one thing – a good opportunity to open up an ecommerce platform, if you’re a business in the retail sector.
If you’ve also been considering going into online business, this is in fact, a good time to get started as this sector continues to grow in leaps and bounds.
Freelance Businesses
The freelance industry presents yet another collection of top lucrative businesses you can start, after Covid-19, regardless of your location.
It’s true. Even before the pandemic, freelancing has been growing rapidly as an industry on its own.
With the on-set of the Pandemic, and compulsory lockdown across countries, the growth in this industry has continued even more rapidly.
While confirming this upsurge in freelance growth during the pandemic, Hayden Brown, CEO of Upwork has recently confirmed an upsurge on registrations and demand for new freelancers on its platforms.
Unlike before, today a lot of businesses are getting to realize the cost effectiveness of engaging freelancers either on contract or on a permanent basis as compared to employing permanent staff.
With this new realization, a lot of these businesses have gone ahead to work with freelancers, thus creating a demand for even more freelancing experts.
Now, the good thing about freelancing is that there’s not a great deal of entry barrier, to get started with.
So, you can literally learn a fast selling skill, get started as a freelancer, get the jobs and get paid, depending on your level of exposure and experience, without a lot of hassles.
Digital Marketing Agencies
Digital marketing covers businesses that engage in tech solutions like Content Marketing, Copy Writing, Online Advertising, Search Engine Optimization etc.
The pandemic has forced a good number of businesses to embrace and rely on the use of tech gadgets and cloud based technologies for business purposes.

This reliance will continue this way for a long time even after the pandemic, leading to a rise in businesses offering cloud related services.
Like I mentioned earlier, as part of the effect of Covid-19 on businesses, a good number of cloud based businesses will have to rely on digital services to push their growth in the post Covid-19 era.
This is not because most of these businesses are readily willing to take this new approach instead, in most cases, this will serve as the market trend and a reasonable alternative to high cost offline marketing.
On the long run, this will end up pushing up digital marketing businesses like content marketing, SEO and social media marketing businesses as competitive alternatives to offline marketing, thus increasing the need for experts in this line of business.
Mobile App & Web Development
Among the top beneficiaries of the post Covid-19 pandemic opportunities are mobile application and web development businesses.
For short, you can call them programmers. Yes, coding is one of the best post covid-19 business opportunities you can actually go into.
The reason behind this is not far fetched. The pandemic has forced more businesses to become aware of the benefits of getting online and using online marketing to drive growth for their businesses.
As the pandemic pushes more and more businesses to adopt online approaches to their business methods the demand for web developers and programmers who will build the platforms needed to run these businesses will continue to grow.
As a programmer or web developer, this is a good time to clean up your skills and position yourself, either as an agency or a freelancer. Whatever suits you.
Logistics & On-Demand Delivery Service
Another of the important business opportunities you can start after Covid 19 business is in the Logistics and on demand delivery services niche.
You see, as more businesses create online buying alternatives, the demand for dispatch and delivery service will continue to be on the rise.

Naturally, a lot of these businesses will not be capable of providing logistics services to their clients either due to the level of demand or some other reasons.
For such, you can step in to provide a logistics service that will provide on demand services for these businesses.
Depending on your resources, you could choose to use Motorcycles, Cars & Buses or even trucks.
On the contrary, you can create an arrangement or partnership with other businesses in this industry, based on what will work for you.
As you can see, regardless of your location, there are a lot of businesses you can start after Covid 19.
Truth is, in as much as these businesses listed here are the most lucrative and most realistic business anyone can start after the pandemic, you can’t start all of them at the same time.
Instead of that, based on your peculiar situation and available resources, you can choose either one or two of these businesses and give it your best shot.
So, there you have the most lucrative business ideas to start after Covid 19. And even if you’re a complete novice, we can help you to get started when you contact us here.
Now, the question is, are you ready to get started? What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced when it comes to starting a business of this nature? I want to read your comments.
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