Freelancing has transformed the world of work. It has created employment for millions of people around the world. It has also offered many, an opportunity to earn a living. So naturally, there are hundreds of freelancing tips out there because people are interested in learning how to succeed as freelancers.
Unfortunately; for some reasons, not all freelancing tips are going to get you the result you want as a beginner or mid level freelancer.
Only a few of the tips you read online can actually work for you because majority of them are not practical neither do they put into perspective, your peculiarity.
But in this tutorial, you’re going to learn about the insider freelancing tips that actually works and how you can use these tips to transform your freelancing business.
Now, before we get started, let’s discuss briefly about why people choose freelancing.
Why Freelancing?
Freelancing is the process of working as an independent entity or company on a specific project, rather than being employed permanently by another company.
There are so many reasons why people choose freelancing over other forms of employment but one popular reason that attracts a lot of people to freelancing is the flexibility that comes with working as a freelancer.
Unlike other jobs, as a freelancer, you can combine a lot of roles or jobs at the same time while making your earnings conveniently. Or you can even work part time for different companies if that’s what you want.
Personally back then some of the things that motivated me to start out as a freelancer was the flexibility that comes with freelancing. The independence and ability to combine doing different jobs or working with different businesses were also part of the attractions.
It’s possible these are also some of the things that’s made you interested in freelancing or maybe other things. But, regardless of whatever it is that’s attracted you, in the following paragraphs you’ll learn some of the most valuable freelancing tips that’ll transform your life as a freelancer…
Know your Clients
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Knowing your clients is one of the most important freelancing tips you need to succeed as a freelancer.
The reason is simple. In the freelancing world, your client is the link between you and your dreams, your job and the money.
So, before you can get across to them, you must know who they are, where to reach them, how to get across to them and ways to deliver on their needs.
Learn How to Work With Clients
Another important freelancing tips you need to succeed as a freelancer is learning how to work with your clients.
So, knowing who they are, where they are and how you can reach your client is the first area of information you need but, the second major part is learning about their level of knowledge about the job they demand of you. This is very important.
Now, let me explain…
As a digital entrepreneur, there are about three types of clients you’ll have to work with here.
One of them is the Guru who wants you to help him out because he lacks time to sort things out himself.
The next one is Jane Doe, the average techie. She knows over a couple of things about what she wants you to do and nothing more.
The very third one is the usual John Doe. John has some idea about what he wants but doesn’t know what’s involved or how to go about it. That’s why he approached you.
Now get this. If you need maximum success, approach you must work with these guys differently.

For the Guru who already knows exactly what he wants: Do it for him the way he needs it done. If there’s a reason you have to deviate from his specifications, show him what it should be. If he doesn’t like it, keep things the way he wants it.
This method can also be applied to Jane Doe, the average techie. With her, you need some caution though. Because you can’t tell exactly how much she knows.
As a freelance entrepreneur, your best way to work with a client like Jane Doe is to take up her ideas and work with her all through the process. Don’t do it alone.
For a John Doe who doesn’t have a clue about what he wants. The best thing to do is take up his ideas, interpret it for them. Simplify everything and then present it back to him.
What you’re doing here is to make sure they fully grasp what they want, at least to a large extent. Before you start working it out, based on their approval.
From there, you can now try out your best approach making sure they approve what you’re doing as you proceed.
If you’re a professional freelancer or online entrepreneur, Avoid the idea of coming up with “what works best” outside your clients’ approval. It’s their job. Not yours.
Even though you still have a form of independence as a freelancer, your job has to meet up with the exact expectations of your clients.
Communicate Key Details
Communication is an important skill you need to develop as a freelancer. In fact, this is one of the foremost tips you need to succeed as a freelancer.
Without a good flow of communication between you and your client, you can spend lots of hours working on a particular job yet because the result in the front end doesn’t say much about the effort in the back end, your client gets to feel you’re not doing enough at all.
In some cases, it will serve you lots of explanations if you can communicate to your client clearly, what you’re doing, why you’re doing that or the impact it will have on a project.
If there’s need to explain any unnecessary setbacks you’re experiencing to your client at some point, go ahead and do that. But remember your explanation should depend on whether the client is a Guru, a Jane Doe or John Doe.
This is one of the valuable freelancing tips that will guarantee your success as a freelancer.
Create Realistic Deadlines
While working on some projects, you might feel the need to over promise especially on delivery dates because you want to get the job by all means.
The problem with this approach is that without creating realistic deadlines, based on the project, you might end up creating problems between you and your clients.
So one of the important freelancing tips you must learn from here is to keep a decent and realistic time line for project delivery, at all times.
Avoid the pressure of accepting deadlines that are clearly unrealistic. And when you’re not sure of a certain deadline, do not give a specific date instead, focus on a certain timeline.
It is always better you deliver before the expected time, than to deliver after the dateline.
Be Objective in your Approach
There are chances that you know more than your client because this is your job.
But one thing is also certain; In most cases, your clients has a fair knowledge of what exactly they want. That’s why they approached you in the first place.
So, even when you feel that what they want is not doable or practicable, you have to explain this to them as objectively as possible.
There are instances where you’ll meet clients that are very detailed. Such clients will need you to follow their exact specifications and needs, to the latter. You need to do just that.
If at any point, what a client wants you to do for them on a particular project is no longer in vogue, communicate that to them clearly.
Explain the outcomes they will have if they go ahead with their demands, the way they want it and then, follow their decisions afterwards.
Do not try to decide for clients on what’s working or trendy, based on your own sentiments, likes or dislikes. Explain as objectively as you can and let them decide what works for them.
If you’re not comfortable working with them based on their needs, you can also communicate that to them or reject the offer if they don’t change their stance.
Show Professionalism
This is a no brainer. Showing professionalism in your work as a freelancer is one of the most crucial freelancing tips that will set you apart.
So, as you embark on freelancing, one of the key things to keep in mind is the fact that you’re a professional and you must show professionalism at all times. This is one of the things that will earn you the respect of your clients.
Whether your client is family, friends or someone you know too well, your closeness to them should not stop you from showing professionalism with your job.
As a freelancer, even when you need to relax and relate with your clients as humans, let your professionalism come to play with whoever you’re working for. They will respect you for that.
Create Excellent Results
Whether they are your family, friends or strangers, your clients deserve nothing but the best of your expertise. Always.
Perhaps this is one of the biggest freelancing tips you’ll get from here. Give your clients an exceptional experience they can always talk about after working with you.
In fact, go beyond your best and give them something exceptional. That extra value they can’t find elsewhere. This is what will keep them coming back to you with referrals and other personal offers.
Do not pick up an offer when you’re sure you can’t give it your best. This will rub off negatively on your brand.
Know When to Walk Away
Sometimes you will have to walk away from some jobs. I understand this is one of the hardest freelancing tips any one can give out there but, it is what it is.
As a freelancer, there are some clients who will certainly be a pain in the ass.
From making shockingly excessive demands to draining your creative energy with critical comments, you are going to meet the good, the bad and even toxic clients who will make you question your competence.
As a freelancer, one of the advantages you have is that you can always walk away when you see such signs or just show them the door. It’s very simple.
If you really want to be happy while putting out something awesome for your clients then you have to do the jobs you love. This is very important.
Choose the clients you want to work with. Do the jobs you can give your 100 percent.
This is what is going to give you the peace of mind to create the magic for your clients.
Get Feedback
Client feedback, reviews and testimonials are some of the valuable marketing tools you can use to promote yourself as a freelancer.
Getting these feedback is one of the key freelancing tips you must keep in your bucket list because as you grow in freelancing, a lot of new clients will want to know what other clients are saying about you.
In most cases, clients will not want to give you feedback on their own. So, you want to take a step to ask for it.
Remember, the best time to ask for such feedback is usually, the moment you finish the job for the clients. Delaying it afterwards may not yield much positive results.
Final Words
Like i mentioned earlier, there are hundreds of freelancing tips out there but these are just a few oft he most essential tips you need to become a successful freelancer, regardless of your location.
While you work hard to use these tips to further your freelancing, remember to always fix your payment and payment schedules, mention the delivery period for project, make all important disclosures and sign all documentations where you have to, before embarking on any project.
Want to learn more about how to build a robust freelancing career that can transform into a successful business either part time or full time? Reach out to our team here.
Now, it’s over to you. What’s your biggest struggle as a freelancer? Drop your comments below…
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